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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Commercial Before & After Photos

Commercial Building Water Damage

This commercial property in Arbutus, MD experienced a water damage due to a line back up that affected 12 areas. This large job used over 75 pieces of commerci... READ MORE

Toilet Back-up in Offices

This wet carpet was the result of a toilet back up in an office building in Catonsville. The glue down carpet was removed, equipment was placed and three days l... READ MORE

Restroom in commercial Building

An overflowed toilet caused this water damage loss in a post office. Sewage water contaminates everything it comes in to contact with and proper measurements ... READ MORE

Cats Living in Storage Unit

In this line of business you just never know what the day could bring. This call was for the cleaning of a storage unit that was found to house 10 cats. Not onl... READ MORE

Water Damage in Local Fire Hall

This large commercial sewage damage was a result of a county main line that backed up into the building. It affected 16 areas including a classroom, kitchen, wh... READ MORE

Gym Affected By Water

A water damage to a commercial property can cause damages other than structure and contents. Businesses can lose significant income and customers if the water c... READ MORE